Life sans T.V.

Why I have decided to go without t.v. and how I am doing.... oh yeah, and writing every day. I forgot that part.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Day, and assignment, Two

Here I am on my second day without t.v. Today is NOT as easy as yesterday because I am fully aware that tonight I will miss Supernatural. It's hard to come to terms with missing all that hunk-ness, not to mention the freaky show. Actually, it may make life a little easier in one way. You see, I have a tendency to get a bit freaked out by the "scary" nature of the show. I usually end up reading far into the night for fear of turning off my light. Yes, I am 34 years old (in 10 days), but sometimes I'm more like my 9 year old.

For those of you following along (not much of an audience yet, I must say) this blog is the first assignment that I have given myself after reading Writer's Digest. For assignment number two, I am going to write letter to 3 people. The first is an old family frien, my brother's god-father, who I haven't seen since Jay's wedding. I am also going to attempt to get in touch with my best friend from high school (meaning we haven't spoken pretty much since then). I'm not sure how I'm going to get in touch with her, but wish me luck. Then, being highly into A Million Little Pieces, I thought I would write to the author, James Frey, to let him know how much I like his book (controversy aside). I let you know what kind of luck I have and what, if any, response I get.

Well, I'm off to see if I can find my friend and how to get in touch with James. Have a great day! I'll talk at ya' later.


Blogger Amanda K. said...

Thanks for the support!!! I agree with you wholeheartedly, but watching t.v. is so much easier! That's good fodder for my next post. Thanks again.

6:55 PM  

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